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Psoriasis stage

Successful treatment of any disease is only possible when the correct definition of the diagnosis, and in the case of diseases such as psoriasis, is especially important. It should not only see psoriasis, among other possible diseases of the skin, but also to identify its phase. In the case of chronic psoriasis - it is extremely necessary. For proper treatment, you need to determine the sensitivity of the disease to different treatments and choose a method of treatment Dine.

The main stages of psoriasis

Stage psoriasis progression indicates the beginning of a new wave of the disease or "sleep" of the disease. Psoriasis develops waves, that is gradually increasing reaching its peak and then go into decline. Define this step may be the following features:

The appearance of red spots on the folds of the elbows and knees;
Their merger between itself and the formation of psoriatic plaques, which are whitish in the center of the small scales;
The edges of these tumors have a clear outline in the form of so-called rim, red, which indicates the presence of inflammation.

When there comes a stage of steady flow of psoriasis, this means that the inflammation umenshaetsya. As it is an indication that the treatment given to be effective, but now it needs to change, as it becomes aggressive to the body.

Signs of psoriasis stationary steps of:

Termination of new redness;
Plaques will no longer grow in size;
Flakes cover the entire surface blemishes, the rim is no longer visible.

Stage of regression is the best outcome from the treatment of psoriasis. The worsening of the disease is defeated, and now need to properly monitor the body, to prevent further deterioration. Symptoms of psoriasis stage regression:

Around plaques appear small creases and pronounced lines, the so-called rim Voronova;
Peeling is significantly reduced or completely disappears;
are formed whitish or dark spots on the location of plaques.


Remember, the brighter the redness, the more active psoriasis. However, the diagnosis should be trusted dermatologist, only a professional diagnosis can show stage psoriasis, a technician can determine further treatment.

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