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Types of psoriasis

If a person suffers from psoriasis, its symptoms are constantly visible on the skin. Psoriasis affects sometimes parts of the body with a weak course of the disease and sometimes, most of the skin of the human body. Self-medication for psoriasis is strictly prohibited. Depending on the symptoms of the disease symptoms of psoriasis has several types.

Plaque (vulgar) psoriasis - the most widespread of its kind. It appears mostly on the elbows, knees, in the scalp. It features a symmetrical appearance of plaques (oval papules covered with scales).

Postulezny psoriasis is a formation on the skin of the body festering pustules.

For psoriasis of the scalp is characterized by loss of the skin in the area of ​​hair growth. Often the symptoms of this type of psoriasis have itching, flaking, which is often confused with simple dandruff. In this initial stage of psoriasis of the scalp may be missed and the man himself is not found, complicating its treatment.

Guttate psoriasis often occurs in young people and is a scaly rash. Rash abundant, small and scattered throughout the body. This type of psoriasis can occur as a complication of an infectious nature of the diseases, which are accompanied by a rash.

Nail psoriasis manifests depressions on the nail plate. Rashes on the skin can not be. Nail psoriasis occurs very often. In the course of development of this type of psoriasis of the nail plate thickening, papules appear under the fingernails yellow.

Name of species such as psoriasis, psoriasis, skin wrinkles and psoriasis of palms and soles speaks for itself. When these types of psoriasis lesions eventually turn into scabs.

The most severe course of the disease on the kind of psoriasis is psoriatic erythroderma. When it struck rash up to 90% of the skin covering the body, they are an expression of the centers of bright red color, abundant peeling. The body temperature of the patient may be increased due to strong skin inflammation.

Eksssudativny psoriasis is often a complication of diabetes mellitus, hypertension in the elderly. As this type of psoriasis can occur in people who work outside in the cold and allergies. Exudative psoriasis symptoms are swelling, skin burning, itching, bright papules with scaly covering, crusting, soaking them exudate.

Regardless of the type of psoriasis, the disease should be treated by contacting a dermatologist.

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