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Psoriasis treatment

Psoriasis treatment systems, as in other skin diseases. In mild form of psoriasis medicines sufficient local (various creams, ointments, gels), hypoallergenic diet and steady calm psychological state of the patient. Balance rest and work plays an important role in the treatment of psoriasis.

If this treatment does not bring the desired results, added to medical treatment for him, and external ointment is applied on the basis of hormone. Prolonged local treatment of psoriasis drugs must be changed periodically as they are addictive and their therapeutic effect weakens.

In order to be effective psoriasis treatment, it is necessary to establish the cause of the disease. If the cause is psychological stress, the doctor is mandatory along with the local skin therapy appoint sedatives, simply put, a sedative to prevent the further development of psoriasis. To remove the swelling and itching from the affected areas of skin in conjunction with the rest of the treatment should take antihistamines (diazolin, laratadin, zodak, fenistil et al.).

Psoriasis patients certainly need to follow a special hypoallergenic diet. Dining with psoriasis should be balanced, but excluded sharp, smoked sausages, savory, sweet, sweet fruit. It is also necessary to limit contact with the sick colds and viral infections. Additional infection in the treatment of psoriasis and provoke immunity reduces disease progression.

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