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Preventing psoriasis

Psoriasis sick about 5% of the world population. Many believe that psoriasis is a skin disease, but it is not so. If left untreated it subsequently suffers not only the skin but also the joints, blood vessels, liver, kidneys, and even the mind.

The main method of preventing psoriasis is hydrated skin. Because psoriasis is a violation of water-salt balance of the skin. Fewer are in the sun, avoid injuries, stress, skin infections - this is a measure of prevention of psoriasis. Protect your skin from drying out. Smoking, alcohol, intake of various medications, all this adversely affects the skin and disrupts its water-salt balance.

In the main root cause of psoriasis is stress. Even if you notice the first symptoms of psoriasis, do not worry! Your future health problems become more complicated if you're nervous. Self-control and stress - the key to healthy skin.

Respect for the right way of life has not brought harm to anyone. But bad habits, lack of exercise, poor diet lead to the development of various diseases and psoriasis as well.

Engage in fitness or swimming, are greater in the fresh air, to spend the summer by the sea - it strengthens the immune system, relieves stress, and psoriasis does not threaten you. Dermatologists also recommend for the prevention of psoriasis wear clothes made of natural fabrics, free cut, limit skin contact with woolen things.

About nutrition in the prevention of psoriasis should not be forgotten. Exclusion from the diet of fatty, smoked and spicy food plays a major role in the diet for psoriasis.

Proper skin care, control of its moisture, air baths and massage not only reduces the risk of developing psoriasis, but a pleasure.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure psoriasis, but the disease is characterized by its remission, this special attention must be paid to the prevention of psoriasis in the autumn and spring.

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