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Complications of psoriasis

Psoriasis itself is not a fatal disease. But if left untreated, the complications are not inevitable. The most common complication of psoriasis is that it is also difficult to form - generalizovany pustular psoriasis. It develops rapidly, covering large areas of skin, in consequence of which formed purulent papules. In this patient with psoriasis often experience skin burning sensation, unpleasant itching, headache, fever and general weakness. Treatment generalizorovanogo long pustular psoriasis, possible contamination of other infectious diseases of the skin due to the large number of open wounds on the body of the patient.

It is also dangerous complication of psoriasis is artropaticheskom. The main complication he gives on the joints, first on foot and hand, then the elbows, knees and shoulders. Symptoms of this complication may be swelling of the joints, skin redness around them pain. Gradually, the joints become deformed, and the back is not restores.

A common complication of psoriasis is also a defeat of the cardiovascular system of man. As a consequence of hypertension, ischemia, infarction. It is not strange, often it happens with patients with psoriasis young age.

Renal disease, impaired vision, nervous breakdowns, too, complications of psoriasis. Further, they lead to complete failure of the body's functions.

Every person, healthy or ill, should know that any disease can be prevented with a simple way - the right way of life combined with moderate exercise.

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