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Psoriasis on the head

Psoriasis of the scalp is still one of the most common types of psoriasis. This disease is infectious, it is impossible to catch them, it appears as a result of violations of metabolic processes in the body. The causes of psoriasis on the head are stress, infections, malnutrition, climate change, alcohol.

For psoriasis of the scalp is characterized by loss of the skin in the area of ​​hair growth. Often the symptoms of this type of psoriasis have itching, flaking, which is often confused with simple dandruff. The initial stage of psoriasis of the scalp may be missed and the man himself is not found, complicating its treatment.

Treatment of psoriasis scalp of the head can only assign dermatologist. Self-medication can lead to a transition of the disease in a severe form.

The basis for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp is the treatment of the affected areas by local drugs. But first, you must remember that the effect of the treatment will not, unless there is a daily, careful care of the scalp.

The most common treatment for psoriasis of the scalp dermatologists prescribe hormonal ointments, in particular korkosteroidy. An integral part of the treatment is to receive antihistamines and sedatives. It is also necessary to remember the diet. Stressful situations during treatment should be avoided, as the root cause of this type of psoriasis, as practice shows, is stress.

In conjunction with medication can also make use of traditional medicine for the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp.

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