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Diagnosis of psoriasis

If you find yourself in the symptoms of psoriasis, contact profile expert dermatologist. Diagnosis of psoriasis begins with the lesions on the body of the patient's dermatologist. An experienced doctor can accurately determine the diagnosis of psoriasis during the inspection inflamed lesions on the patient's body. If the doctor questioned the diagnosis, possible further diagnostics in the form of a skin biopsy. This is possible at an early stage of development of psoriasis. Biopsy was performed by a physician-pathologist. To do this, take a scraping from the affected area of ​​the skin, examined him and diagnosed.


A blood test for the diagnosis of psoriasis is prescribed only for severe form of the disease, with the spread of the disease throughout the body. A dermatologist can prescribe for the diagnosis of water-salt balance of the skin urinalysis. Sometimes prescribed general and biochemical blood tests to rule out allergic reactions to medical treatment, if the patient is allergic.

If along with the symptoms of psoriasis in a patient sore and swollen joints, the dermatologist doctor may refer the patient to an additional diagnosis of the disease psoriatic arthritis. In this case, treatment is prescribed, and the dermatologist and rheumatologist.

During the diagnosis and determine the severity and stage of disease. For further medical appointment it is very important, because at different stages of the complexity of the treatment of psoriasis is different.

Diagnosis of psoriasis in most cases, no features except dermatologist examination does not require. Afraid of the campaign to the doctor is not necessary. The sooner you start treatment of psoriasis, the easier and cheaper it will take treatment.

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