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Psoriasis treatment at home

Psoriasis - a complex disease of the skin and its treatment takes a long time, takes a lot of patience. Unfortunately, to get rid of psoriasis finally today it is impossible. All psoriasis treatment consists of continuous control over the course of the disease, often smenivayutsya topical preparations due to habituation body thereto.

For the treatment of psoriasis using various topical medicaments: hormonal ointments, creams, gels, lotions, shampoos, herbal baths, baths in conjunction with sedative antihistamines and drugs.

In the treatment of psoriasis in the home simple guidelines must be followed. Regular use of a designated medical doctor and local treatment the main rule. In more advanced stages of psoriasis using hormonal ointment. It is necessary to constantly monitor the level of skin moisture, to prevent the appearance of cracks on the wounds. Moist scabs on the wounds must be removed to a cream or ointment that you use in the treatment better absorbed into the affected skin. Apply multiple ointments strictly prohibited, so you will not know which of them produces a therapeutic effect.

Note the detection of causes of disease the main factor determining the correct treatment of psoriasis. Very rarely, but it is enough for the treatment of psoriasis gippoallergicheskoy stick to the diet, if the cause of psoriasis was allergic.

Between courses of treatment of psoriasis need to take a break from 1 to 6 months.

Use is recommended only finished products, bought at the pharmacy for the treatment of psoriasis in the home. But to choose the right treatment is very difficult without the advice of a dermatologist.

Hormonal treatments at home psoriasis treatment primenytya very dangerous without the advice of a dermatologist. Complications may arise of testosterone kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system.

To sum up the above, to self-medicate for psoriasis at home is not recommended!

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