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Psoriasis symptoms

Psoriasis - a non-infectious disease that affects the skin, most often in the area of ​​the elbow and knee bend. The symptoms of psoriasis may vary depending on the type of disease. The symptoms, which recognize a disease like psoriasis are many, but patients experience not all of its manifestations.

The first and main symptom of psoriasis - psoriatic plaques. This red spots, areas of very dry skin, with white small scales. The edges of these tumors can be seen the red rim, which means the presence of an active infection at the site of injury. Psoriasis manifests itself regardless of gender and age, this is impossible to predict its manifestation. Note that even in people with a genetic predisposition of psoriasis is not always evident, and people in the family that no one has ever met with this disease are not protected against psoriasis lesions.

Despite the variety of options manifestations of psoriasis experts were able to identify a few key symptoms of psoriasis:

  • Plaques - a neoplasm of the skin, redness, peeling with whitish, slightly above the level of smooth leather cover;
  • Flaky skin breaks or slazit, and in its place are formed bleeding spot;
  • Dimples on the nails, nails take a yellowish tinge;
  • Itching neoplasm in places, as well as in the call under the breasts or buttocks below.

Remember, psoriasis - is not only an aesthetic discomfort, but the biggest threat to your health. Often this pathology affects the liver, immune and endocrine systems, as well as detrimental to the nerve cells.

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