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Psoriasis treatment folk methods

Psoriasis - a chronic non-infectious skin disease, popularly called psoriasis.

If his treatment is necessary to consult a dermatologist, bark after the diagnosis determines the type and stage of psoriasis. There are many sources where each of us can find information how to treat any disease medicine and traditional methods.


Our resourceful folk medicine offers herbal treatment of psoriasis, oils, birch tar, grease, soda, copper sulphate, potassium permanganate, etc.

This article will tell you about the most popular methods of treatment of psoriasis folk remedies. In some cases, as stated in various sources, traditional medicine is more effective than medication from psoriasis.

The most popular among the folk remedies treatment of psoriasis - birch tar. In the early stages of the disease it is particularly effective enough 2-3 weeks of application. Birch tar can be used for the treatment of psoriasis, if you have an allergy to it.
The second most popular method of treatment of psoriasis - an ordinary machine (fat) grease. Treat Psoriasis grease can be at any stage, no side effects from grease no allergy causes.


The easiest and most affordable national method of treatment of psoriasis - soda. Treatment with soda is that it neutralizes the acidity, thereby healing psoriasis. The method is quite simple and questionable, but, as practice shows, soda really helps. In the treatment of psoriasis soda take baths with soda, soda solution attaching to the affected skin areas, or wipe them with a cooked egg cream soda, medicine, doing hot compress soda.

The main thing to remember that in psoriasis it is important to adopt an integrated approach and to start any therapeutic measures can only be a doctor's consent.

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