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What is psoriasis?

Acne is not the most unpleasant skin disease, though the most common. People are more likely to occur with this disease like psoriasis, or as it is called, psoriasis, the disease is much more unpleasant. This dermatosis is shown on the human body in the form of scaly red patches, called psoriatic plaques. In medetsine there are cases when the disease does not manifest itself outwardly, but inside hides a threat to the patient. Psoriasis - is not an infection, that is, to catch them tactile, airborne or in any other way possible.


Regardless of age, you are a man or a woman, you may be exposed to disease such as psoriasis. On our planet from this disease affects about 5% of the population, and it manifests itself most often in the young age of 16-25 years, this is called the "disease of the young."

Psoriasis - is abnormal, unnatural reaction environment both the stimulus resulting in the death of skin epithelial cells more rapidly than is incorporated in the body of a healthy person. Thus, a patient with psoriasis, this process takes place for 4-5 days, while in a healthy person is a gradual and natural death of cells within a month.

If the surface of the skin you notice a rash or peeling, that are relevant to psoriasis symptoms, while formed itchy patches of different sizes above the skin - it signals the body to direct progressive psoriasis. You should always consult a doctor. Only a specialist dermatologist will be able to make a correct assessment of the disease, identify the appropriate stage and prescribe proper treatment.

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